Thursday, April 23, 2009

potals stuff curry

potals 6
gramflour 2tsps
corianderpowder 1tsp
redchilly powder 1tsp
onion chopped 1 cup
salt to taste
oil 1tsp

1.Wash the potals and dry them with a paper towel.
2.Remove the rough skin with knife and cut the edges.
3.slit them vertically and horizontally like a plus sign without breaking them into halves.
4.Mix the above ingredients and stuff this powder into the potals.
5.Now heat a pan with 2 tsps oil and fry this potals , stir the potals ocassionally.
6.Potals changes the colour slowly and finally add 1tsp of above mixed powder.
7.Serve With Rice or roti.

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